What You Should Know 

About ISO 14001

There is a need to enhance environmental performance. ISO 14001 Certification details the requisites of the environmental management system. The International organisation for standardization published ISO 14000 standards series for organizations to enhance its environmental performance.

ISO 14001


There is a need to enhance environmental performance. ISO 14001 Certification details the requisites of the environmental management system. The International organisation for standardization published ISO 14000 standards series for organizations to enhance its environmental performance.

With ISO 14001 certification, the organisation takes responsibility for environmental issues and meets all legal requirements that applies to the business. According to information from ISO (www.iso.org), there are over 300,000 certifications to ISO 14001 in 171 countries around the world.

How does it help the Business?

  • Improve company reputation
  • Help to fulfill environmental objectives.
  • Improves the firm’s environmental performance.
  • It shows that the company values social responsibility
  • It shows the company takes environment issues seriously.
  • It helps the business to manage environmental issues.

Benefits and advantages of 

ISO 140001 Certification

  • It helps to meet their legal requirements.
  • Clearly Integrates environmental issues.
  • Guides the firm on how to protect the environment.
  • Reveals different aspect of the environment and their impacts.
  • ISO 14001 gets employees committed in environmental performance.
  • It serves as a guide for companies’ effective environmental management system.
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